On Friday (November, 6) English Speaking Club at American Library disscussed the topic "American food". After, our participants created and "promoted" their new products. So, here they are)


First team with their product "god's burger of liberty" – video here: https://www.facebook.com/michaelkuzko/videos/1690959377789678/

Second team, "mango with chili sauce" – video here: https://www.facebook.com/michaelkuzko/videos/1690959941122955/

Third team and the winner - "Choko-Dog" – video here: https://www.facebook.com/michaelkuzko/videos/1690961347789481/

The winners are going to appear on the oficial site of American Library and Window on America centre in Ukraine. Congratulations!
The judge of this event - Lisle Kauffman.

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