Dear Library Users, you are wellcome to join series of Events in the American Library, presented by our partners from ETRC!



"Afternoon tea with milk, scones and clotted cream, please"

Try to pronounce this phrase with a posh British accent and don't forget about the arrogant glance. Looks British? And what stereotypes do you know about the UK and its citizens? Get to know Great Britain from a different perspective from the humor to the tendencies in mentality.

Who: EWC Tutors, Stacy and Olga

When: Monday, February 22 from 3:30-5:00pm

Where: American Library at NaUKMA


 «Game with a toy»

Let’s talk about the USA! What is the American dream and its well-known advantages and hidden disadvantages? What would you like to study in the USA? This Tuesday meet the EWC team and discuss common American stereotypes, interesting facts about the country and more. Don’t miss this fun opportunity to practice your English! 

 Who: EWC Tutors, Oleksandr and Maria

When: Tuesday, February 23 from 4:30-6:00pm

Where: American Library at NaUKMA


 "How We Learn: Successful Study Habits for Effective Learners"

If there is one thing students should know how to do well, it’s study effectively. Unfortunately, many students never learn this basic yet critical skill during their educational years. In this session we will explore some basics of the learning process and discuss some useful ways to help improve our study habits in order to maximize our time and become more effective learners.

 Who: Seneca Ryan – English Language Fellow 2015-2016, a program of the US State Department

When: Wednesday, February 24 from 4:30-5:30pm

Where: American Library at NaUKMA


 "Meet the Fulbrights"

What’s it like to study in America? Do Americans really smile more than Ukrainians? Is Donald Trump really as popular as he seems? Find out the answers to these questions and more at the English Writing Center’s, “Meet the Fulbrights” event. Ask our panel of American Fulbright Researchers questions about education, culture, politics or just about anything that’s interesting to you. Bring your questions and see you there!

Who: 3 Fulbright guest speakers and moderated by the EWC team

When: Thursday, February 25, 5:00-6:00pm

Where: American Library at NaUKMA

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