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- Parent Category: News
- Hits: 13021
- Q: How can I join the American Library?
- A: You have to come to the Library with a passport and fill in the form for registration at Library Desk. And that’s all.
- Q: Can any Kyiv non-resident join the Library?
- A: Any person who does not have permanent residence in Kyiv can obtain membership and use the American Library facilities but can not borrow books.
- Q: Does the library card expire?
- A: The card do expire and its terms one year. An expired card can not be used to borrow materials or use any other library services.
- Q: How can I renew my library card?
- A: You have to bring it and your passport to the library, report any changes in your personal data and you will obtain membership for the next year long term.
- Q: What should I do if I happen to lose my library card?
- A: You need to come to the library for the new one.
- Q: Can I check out periodicals?
- A: Yes, you can check out them for two weeks.
- Q: Can I borrow reference?
- A: No, you cannot. Reference publications and art albums are also available only inside the library. If you need to copy some information from the publications, please ask a librarian how to handle it.
- Q: Can I check out videos or DVDs?
- A: No, you cannot. You may watch the videos inside the library only.
- Q: How many books can I check out at a time?
- A: You can check out up to four books at a time.
- Q: How long can I keep the books?
- A: Books can be checked out for two weeks. You may renew each item three times unless it previously requested by another library member.
- Q: How can I renew the loaned books?
- A: You may renew items in various ways:
- Online: You will need your library card number and Personal Identification Number (PIN).
- By phone: To renew items by telephone, give a call at: +38 (044) 462-56-74
- In person at the Library Circulation Desk.
- Q: Is there any fee for overdue?
- A: Yes, there is. A fine of 3 UAH per day is charged for any item not returned by the true day. There is a one day grace period for any item. The fine must be paid in full before checking out additional books.
- Q: What should I do if I happen to lose a book?
- A: You have to come to the Library and explain the situation. You should replace the lost book with the same or appropriate one or pay a fine of it stentime cost.
- Q: Does the Library have Internet access?
- A: Yes, there is a free Internet access at the library through Wi-Fi and computer workstations.
- Q: Can I use my laptop at the Library?
- A: American Library is Wi-Fi enabled and offers free wireless Internet access to its patrons. You are welcome to bring in your laptop and registerat the Circulation Desk for accessing the high speed internet facility.
- Q: Are there any books in German or other languages in the library?
- A: No, there aren’t any. Most of the library collection is in English. We have only a few books in Ukrainian. These are translations of American books or donations by Ukrainian Americans.
- Q: Can I work in the reading room or use other library facilities if I am not the American Library member?
- A: Yes. All services including library items usage in the reading-room are available for all on the free base.
- Q: Can I get registration to the University Library of NaUKMA?
- A: Yes, but please, keep in mind, that University Library Registration Rules are applied : University Plastic library card for a year costs 400 UAH for Non-NaUKMA community and 200 UAH for students of other Universities.