American Library is starting series of trainings about Freedom of Speech, Right to get Information, Social Media and Fake News. First Training will be dedicated to the Right to get informationWHEN: Thursday (June, 15), 17:00 - 19:00

Trainings are provided for all those people who are interested in Information rights, News Standarts and ethical issues in Social Networking, but don't know where to start learning. Trainings are held in Ukraininan. Presenter - Oleksandra Yaroshenko (NaUKMA School of Journalism Alumni). 

WHEN: Thursday (June, 15), 17:00 - 19:00

WHERE: American Library
(Kyiv, Voloska 8\5 Street, Building 4, 1st floor)

Enter: Free, Registration for event is not required

Facebook event here!

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