
You are welcome to join English Speaking Club today at 17:00! Today we gonna discuss the topic "ART". What is the "ART" for you? Come and share your opinion. Also, be ready to tell about your favorite "ARTIST")

Today American Library held the 3rd Workshop "3-D Scanning and Printing". With the emergent technology, any desktop computer can output objects as simple as a ball and as intricate as a human bone. Printing in a variety of materials, from bendable nylon filaments to strong thermoplastics, these devices have gone from invention to adoption twice as fast as the photocopy machine.

3-D Printing is one of the most exciting manufacturing processes being used today. The 3-D design and printing process gives you the ability to hold your ideas in your hand. 3rd workshop on 3-D Scanning and Printing will take place at American Library on Thursday (June, 2)! We'll continue exploring objects that can be 3D printed.

American Library would like to thank everyone who has supported the event "World' s largest English language lesson"! 

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