
Training "Web 2.0 technologies" teached our readers the possibilities of Blogs - also known as Web logs, Wikis - sites like Wikipedia and others, Social networking - sites like Facebook and MySpace, Web applications.

On Wednesday (November, 4) American Library held Training about "SciFinder" - system for chemistry research. SciFinder provides researchers with unlimited access to the world's largest collection of chemistry and related scientific information. Our readers learned about basic SciFinder options and searching possibilities through the collection of substances, reactions, patent and journal references.

Book of the Week - "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to love that lasts" by Gary Chapman. Between busy schedules and long days, expressing love can fall by the wayside. We forget to compliment, to give gifts "just because", to linger in our embrace.

Our readers, playing "Cards Against Humanity" today =)

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