
Today American Library held Children's Club. Schoolers from local Kyiv schools visited us to find out about Library, watch movies in English and enlarge their English vocabulary with new words. Join Children's Club every Thursday at 13.30! 

On Wednesday, December 3, American Library held a Training "Google Scholar for researchers". Google Scholar is an online, freely accessible search engine that lets users look for both physical and digital copies of articles. It searches a wide variety of sources, including academic publishers, universities, and preprint depositories.

Venerated as god and goddess, feared as demon and pestilence, trusted as battle omen, and used as a proving ground for optical theories, the rainbow's image is woven into the fabric of our past and present. From antiquity to the nineteenth century, the rainbow has played a vital role in both inspiring and testing new ideas about the physical world. Although scientists today understand the rainbow's underlying optics fairly well, its subtle variability in nature has yet to be fully explained.

World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988. This week we picked books on HIV treatment, on Law to protect people living with HIV, and how to protect yourselves and others from HIV.

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