
American Library team, our volunteers, colleagues, and friends wishing you – our dear library users, great holidays! May the 2017 bring you only joy, loyal friends and colleagues, happiness to your families, peace for our country, love and respect for each person. We wish you always be appreciated, loved, respected, and supported! Thank you for your loyalty, support, and great desire to receive new knowledge! Happy New Year !!!!!
with best wishes,
your American Library

Book of the Week - "The Good, the True and the Beautiful: a quest for meaning" by Michael Boylan. Why should we be good? How do we know what is true? Do we really need beauty? This book asks crucial questions about who we are and what makes life worthwhile. Michael Boylan offers an accessible and stimulating introduction to philosophy, exploring issues to do with ethics, knowledge and aesthetics and how they relate to our everyday lives.

On Tuesday, December 27 American Library held a training about Web of Science — the world's leading source of scholarly research data. Our readers, students, researchers found out about Journal Citation Report, EndNote, ResearcherID. Presenter - Iryna Tykhonkova, PhD, Customer Education Specialist, Clarivate Analytics, Formerly the IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters.

When the studying is over, it's time for puzzles and board games =)

Нагода провести семінар від Thomson Reuters (тепер Clarivate Analytics) - ніколи не видається зайвою, еге ж? Тож, не пропустіть: 27 грудня о 15 -00 в Американській бібліотеці! 

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