
Today American Library and EWC team held day of BONANZA week - a week of events from the English Writing Center at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. This time topic was "Game with a toy: Let’s talk about the USA". Our guests discussed American dream and common American stereotypes, interesting facts about the country and more. Don’t miss this fun opportunity to practice your English tomorrow!

Book of the Week - "The Island of the Day Before" by Umberto Eco. Not only american writers can be found at American Library, but classics of world literature too.

Today American Library held Motivation Club - an English Speaking Club, which helps overcome procrastination and doubt, manage your time and schedule effectively, face your fears and follow up with confidence, break through your comfort zone. Join us every Monday at 17:00 and share your opinion in English!

Today American Library held the first day of BONANZA week - a week of events from the English Writing Center at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Our guests learned a lot of interesting things about the United Kingdom. Marta told us about her summer studies at the University of Cambridge! She shared her experience and useful information you should know if you want to become a student of Cambridge Uni. Join our BONANZA week tomorrow at American Library! ‪#‎УкраїнаSpeaking‬

On Friday (February, 19) American Library held English Speaking Club with Michael Kuzko. The topic was - game day, where everyone had an opportunity to improve english and get to know each other)

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