
Visit us to check books about African - American music this month

American Library received a large and generous gift from Mr. Brad Wells, who donated text books on economics and finance, especially on financial reporting, financial analysis, corporate finance, capital budget, markets and investments, company analysis and stock valuation. We sincerely appreciate that, Mr. Wells )

On Friday, June 20 American Library Kyiv held a Film Screening and discussion. This time our users watched and discussed an environmental topic with a movie "Rachel Carson's Silent Spring". Join film Fridays in American Library )

This week we picked a book on the secret of success and a tale of the search for a business in sports' knowledge. Main character, the Oakland A's general manager, is going to reinvent his team on a budget, and needs to outsmart the richer teams. This book gives insights for those who can't decide between old wisdom and big money.

Join English Discussion Club every Thursday at 4.30 p.m. at American Library )

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