
Dear library users, we regret to announce that personal user accounts to eLibraryUSA will be closed on August 31, 2017, based upon information from The eLibraryUSA Team. After this date, you will no longer be able to login to eLibraryUSA using your individual account login and password. Although, access to most eLibraryUSA electronic resources will continue to be available at American Library.

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Reporters and other media people are among the favorite characters in film and literature. American Library is starting a film club with a list of films - from classics to new ones - about media. Get inspired by these great journalism movies! First meeting of Media Film Club - July, 11 - "Citizen Kane" (1941) (language: English with English subtitles)

American Library welcomes you to join us for discussions around American classic novels. Book Clubs meet weekly, on Thursdays. We always welcome new members =) Join us for our next book club meeting on Thursday, July 20, - we'll discuss "The Catcher in the Rye" (by J. Salinger)

П'ята зустріч буде присвяченою Свободі Слова — праву людини вільно висловлювати свої думки. КОЛИ: Четвер (13 Липня) 16:00 - 18:00

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