
Yesterday's training was dedicated to defamation. Our participants discussed with Oleksandra some critical issues on what is considered as fabricated information about the person in media, and what is not. See you next week! We will discuss social media! (June, 27 th at 4 p.m.)

Today is Friday and DESPITE THE RAIN we still have our usual English Speaking Club meeting at 17.00 in American Library to talk, improve our English and share our opinions. So join us and invite friends! =)

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Send Ideas Now to Fight Fake News!

Fake news orbits the planet in an instant on social media. Is the truth keeping pace? We want to make sure it does. ICFJ’s global TruthBuzz challenge aims to invent new ways to help verified facts reach the widest possible audience. The deadline to apply is July 9, 2017.


English Speaking Club in American Library is a group for everyone who wants to practice his/her speaking skills in English, extend own mind, meet new people and exchange views on various issues of our life =)

Today we had a little warm conversation about our comfort zone. Join us every Friday at 17:00 in American Library.

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