
So many participants gathered today for the first meeting of Psychology Club with Jimmy Hill! Psychology Club was formed in order to allow those interested in the field of psychology the opportunity to interact socially. Join us every Moday at 5 p.m. in American Library!

Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., never backed down in his stand against racism. He dedicated his life to achieving equality and justice for all Americans of all colors. King believed that peaceful refusal to obey unjust law was the best way to bring about social change. In honor of the Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, here are some books on his life and legacy. More photos here!


Traditionally our English Speaking Club meetings take place on Friday evenings (from 5:00pm to 7:00pm). This time (on Friday, January 25) our participants shared their plans, goals and new year resolutions for a good start of 2017.

On Friday, January 20 - join English Speaking Club with Michael at American Library! Lets discuss past happenings in 2016 and our plans, goals, dreams in 2017! We are getting started at 17:00! Join us and share your opinion in English! 

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