
Today, we had presentations on how to use E-Resources with different purposes. We regarded NaUKMA electronic resources and ELibraryUSA databases. 

We've got new reads waiting for you in American Library! Among them: "Conservation: Students in Biology", "The Wallmart Effect: How an out-of-town superstore became a superpower", "Ukraine - Culture Shock: A guide to customs and etiquette" and many more.

On Friday, March 13 American Library held English Speaking Club with presenter Mr. Diptajit Basak. This time we talked about Success and how do we perceive it.

Wednesday, March 18, 16:00 - Training "eLibrary USA resources at American Library". eLibraryUSA is a digital library for the U.S. Department of State Office of American Spaces. Find out What resources are available through eLibraryUSA.

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