
New summer reading is already waiting for you at American Library! Among new Books: "The Guinness Book of Names", "Ukraine: Nations in Transition", "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss what matters most", and many more )

Film Club meeting at American Library last Friday was dedicated to traveling the world and finding your true inner self, as we watched "Eat, Pray, Love" (2010, USA). Based on an inspiring true story written by Elizabeth Gilbert, "Eat, Pray, Love" is a memoir about the soul-searching journey she took post-divorce, which was read and loved by millions.

Dear readers, we are happy to share this summer Friday nights with you at American Library! Last Friday (on June, 19) we gathered in a warm little company to watch "The Help" - the story of how African-American maids in the South viewed their employers during Jim Crow days. This Friday (on June, 26) we'll be watching "Eat, Pray, Love". Join Film Club at American Library!

Dear readers, on Friday, June 26, you are welcome to join:

15:30 - English Speaking Club on topic "Literature" with presenter Mr. Basak Diptajit

17:30 - Film "Eat, Pray, Love" (USA, 2010) in English with subtitles

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