
As the world population edged to 7 billion people in 2011 (up from 2.5 billion in 1950), it has had profound implications for development. 

Judith Martin, the doyenne of American etiquette experts, the woman who Cosmopolitan describes as "opinionated, astringent, and hilarious", and who People magazine says writes "as if she has access to the stone tablets that Moses mislaid", now turns her undivided attention to weddings. Subjects range from the engagement, the shower, and the invitations to the wedding party, the gifts, the reception, and the aftermath - advice that will make the run-up to the big day more pleasant for one and all, including the bride herself.

Dear readers, on Friday, July 24 you are welcome to join:

15:30 - English Speaking Club, presenter - Mr. Basak Diptajit.

During summer our American Library guests prefer the classic board games like Monopoly or Scrabble - games that have entertained families of players for decades.

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