
On Wednesday, April 15, at 15:00 - you are welcome to join Training on Electronic resources for students.

Book of the Week - "Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears" by Pema Chodron. This book shows us how to break free of destructive patterns in our lives and experience a new sense of freedom and happiness. Drawing on the Buddhist concept of "shenpa", she helps us see how certain habits of mind tend to hook us and get us stuck in states of anger, blame, self-hatred, and addiction. The good news is - once we start to see these patterns, we begin to change our lives for better.

Like Christmas, Easter in the United States is celebrated in both religious and secular ways. In many communities, the Christian aspect of the holiday, which includes Passion Plays and church services, is combined with visits from the Easter Bunny and hunts for dyed and/or painted Easter eggs. This week we picked books on religious history and essentials of Christianity.

Look at gorgeous paper flowers, made on Children's Library Club yesterday!

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