
On Friday (October 7) American Library held an English Discussion Club with our speaker Jimmy Hill on a topic "Life Skills". We talked about managing emotions, developing an Identity, resisting peer pressure, building relationships, communicating and negotiating, education and career.

This Friday (07.10) we have an English Speaking Club with Michael Kuzko on a topic "The difference between USA and Ukraine", so you can come and share your opinion!

Where - American Library (White Reading Room)
Time - 17:00

On Friday (October, 7) you are welcome to join English Speaking Club with Jimmy Hill! This time we will discuss necessary skills like Problem Solving, Time Management, Communication Skills and many more...

When: Friday, October 7 at 16:30
Where: American Library Kyiv (Media Room)

On Tuesday (October 11) at 16:00 -  Join American English Language Fellow Seneca Ryan as she discusses Simple ways students can enhance their English writing. Whether applying to study abroad or submitting a paper at KMA, these ideas will help any student produce essays appropriate for the academic context.

Book of the Week - "Fabricated: The new World of 3D Printing". What would you create if you had a machine that could make almost anything? "Fabricated" offers you practical and imaginative insight into the question "How will 3D printing change my life?"

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