
Dear Library Users!

We are happy to invite you to Discussion Clubs with Michael on September 15, 22, 29. Start at 17:30!

Book and Picture Display: 9/11 tragedy remembrance.
September 11th, 2001.
2,977 people reported dead.
Never forget.

Dear Friends! We are happy to inform you that we are going to renovate our Discussion Clubs with Michael. On September 15th, 22nd, 29th we sincerely invite you to attend Michael's Discussion Clubs and share your thoughts and opinions in English. The Club sessions start at 17:30. And the first one will be held this week! Welcome!

Welcome to Maker Space in the American Library!

3D printing is on the way to become usual part of our life and we want our library users to get acquainted with these technologies. If you have any questions on what it is, what for is it, and how to use it – you can address us and we will explain and demonstrate the possibilities of these technologies.

American Library offers a variety of individual and group study spaces throughout its lodgement. "Red reading room" is a study and reading space, complemented by wireless Internet access and computer workstations.

Additional information