
Today our topic at the English Speaking Club was "Goodbyes". Our moderator during many Discussion Club sessions, our friend Mr. Diptajit Basak is leaving Ukraine soon. So, he offered the participants to share their ideas and feelings on the "Goodbye" issue. Different approaches to this sensitive topic were being discussed. And Diptajit invited our guests to take part in some true-to-life activities concerning the topic. For example, to write a goodbye letter on a suggested occasion. At the end of the meeting the best letter was chosen. And we present it for you in this album.

The American Library is very grateful to Diptajit for being a part of our team during this year.
Dear Diptajit, we have to say goodbye, but we hope to see you again !

Dear friends, on Friday, July 24 you are welcome to join Mr. Basak Diptajit for English Speaking Club discussing the topic: Goodbyes

When: 15:30

Where : American Library, Media Room

As the world population edged to 7 billion people in 2011 (up from 2.5 billion in 1950), it has had profound implications for development. 

Judith Martin, the doyenne of American etiquette experts, the woman who Cosmopolitan describes as "opinionated, astringent, and hilarious", and who People magazine says writes "as if she has access to the stone tablets that Moses mislaid", now turns her undivided attention to weddings. Subjects range from the engagement, the shower, and the invitations to the wedding party, the gifts, the reception, and the aftermath - advice that will make the run-up to the big day more pleasant for one and all, including the bride herself.

Dear readers, on Friday, July 24 you are welcome to join:

15:30 - English Speaking Club, presenter - Mr. Basak Diptajit.

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